Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 6

Happy Fathers day to all dukes, princes and kings of Toivoa and to the whole Kingdom of the GREAT KING!

This post is a tribute to my earthly father, who took care of me the day the Great King handed me over to him.
Day 6 is dedicated to him!
The little prince and the big prince.

I really thank the Great King for handing me over to this guy!

Although we fight a lot and don't get along always, at the end of the day, his fatherly love prevails. The Great King showered him with the tools needed on how to "RAISE DARBY." My earthly dad and I went through a lot and tried a lot of adventures. This picture was taken years and years ago when we explored the Northern Seas (Bolinao).

We hiked different hills and mountains together. When I tip during the climb, he's always there to help me rise again. No matter how steep the mountains were, he never failed to carry my bags when I felt tired.

We traveled together and explored new places. We were both clueless to some places, but we discovered them together.

And of course, he was there during the ROYAL EVENTS of my life.

To the Great King, I really appreciate the fact that you have given me such loving father. You expressed your fatherly love through this guy! I am blessed to have 2 fathers, You and him.

I know he fail at some point, but let me understand him. Give me patience, endurance and love towards him, the way you are patient, enduring and loving towards me.

Again, I am forever grateful because you gave me my Dad.

Glory to the Great King!

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