Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 10

We all have goals right? As a prince and part of the league of merchant helpers, my major goal is to serve the people. But sometimes, no matter how clear our goals are, we often forget them,lead us to confusion and leave us hanging with a question mark in our head.

I encountered 2 "high-maintenance" people today asking for an assistance. The first one narrated a complaint regarding a merchant who allegedly flimflammed her. The other one has this irritating voice who kept on asking for various requests. I was literally pissed off.

But, upon reflection, I realized that this was my purpose why I joined the league--to help people in need.

In times of troubles, during uncomfortable moments, during hardships, during confusing times, let us PUSH the PAUSE button and remind ourselves of our goals and our reason of existence.


This was a delayed post. I was really tired yesterday (June 24, 2010). WE went back to Bambusca Tribe in the afternoon to meet some notable people there. It was fun, but tiring.

A little bamboo attached in the big bamboo.

Members of the league and the incoming Mayor of Lubao :)

The road to Bambusca Tribe


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