Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 21

The Devotion in Action

Kindly read DAY 17 to understand Day 21. For this week, here's our 'Devotion in Action". You can join us if you like, this is open for all. :)


Day 21 ( July 5)
Title: Bread Talk
Text: John 6:25-29

Mechanics: Buy a bread or a cracker. Eat it while reading the text. Reflect. Pray


Day 22 (July 6)

Title: Small But Terrible
Text: Matthew 13:31-35

Mechanics: Acquire or pick one small object that made you smile for the day. It could be anything, a piece of rock, a pen, a picture, etc. Reflect. Pray


Day 23 (July 7)
Title: Blind!

Text: Matthew 9

Mechanics: Read the text. Blindfold yourself for thirty (30) minutes while reflecting on the read verse.


Day 24 (July 8)
Title: I am Sorry
Text: Matthew 18:15-35

Mechanics: Option 1- Write an open letter asking for forgiveness to people who you have hurt. Option 2- Write a private letter to persons you have hurt. Send it to them. Make peace with them.


Day 25 (July 9)
Title: Candlelight

Text: Luke 8:16-18
Luke 11:33-36
Mechanics: Close all your lights. Light a candle. Read the text. Reflect.


Day 26 (July 10)
Title: Flush em!
Text: Matthew 6, Luke 12:22-34

Mechanics: Write all your worries in a piece of toilet paper. Flush it after writing. Forget the worries. Reflect.


Day 27 (July 11)
Title: Christmas in July

Text: Matthew 1-3

Mechanics: Celebrate Christmas. Greet friends. Give one gift to one person. Cover it with Christmas wrapper. Reflect.


Do not be limited by the mechanics. You could do other things related to the text. Journal/blog the experience. Have fun in glorifying God.


DAY 21

Today was the first day of the "Devotion in Action" and we started it with the topic about Bread. I posted a status on one social networking Site and I wrote: "Bread Talk". One of my friends commented about it and she related it to the bread house "BREAD TALK". She love the store and so am I. The said store was definitely a hot spot on malls because of its delicious and unique choices of bread. The experience also was new for it is a "self-service" bread shop.

Bread is one of the "common" and "basic" foods of man. Filipinos have Pandesal. Mexicans have Tortilla. Canadians have Bagels. Jewish have Unleavened Bread. Germans have pretzels. Americans have tasty bread. But I realized that no matter what race we are, we need the Bread of Life.

Let us leave the "bad" bread that cannot satisfy and crave for the Bread that gives life. Only the Bread of Life can satisfy our hungry souls.

Read Princess Belle's Bread Talk post at

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