Egypt is in my blood.
When you ask a child about what would they want to be when they grow up, they will answer to be a doctor, or to be a nurse, or to be a teacher, or be a fireman, a policeman or a vet. In my case, I always answer this... I want to be an Egyptologist.
I was in Grade 5 when I fell in love with Ancient Egypt. It all started when I watched Dreamwork's animated movie, PRINCE OF EGYPT. A week after, I watched Universal Studio's The Mummy starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. How could I forget their names?
When Internet was introduced to me when I was in 7th Grade, I was in front of the computer screen day in day out, reading and researching about Ancient Egypt...from the mythologies, to artifacts, from the mummification process to related media and literature. I print out articles about it and kept a protfolio about it. My printer was black and white back then.
Junior high was the peak of my Ancient Egyptian passion. I got the chance to meet Ron Fellows, a famous Egyptologist and author of the book Hieroglyphics for Travellers. Though we just met through email, he gave me the inspiration to pursue my study about Egypt. He also sent me his book.
Unfortunately, a friend of mine borrowed the book and he lost it. I was devastated and cried about it for days. Sad to say, that ended my pursuit to study Ancient Egypt.
But as I've said, Egypt is in my blood. I am an honorary citizen of Ancient Egypt. It will keep on coming. It will dominate me. My love for Egypt will never die, and if its the will of God, I will go there and finally see my other ancient country.